This is a running list of the many artists whose work I fancy…
Paul Kozal – Sea Ranch Photography

Update 08/02/2021: It is with great joy that we finally were able to obtain one of his photo prints to hang in our home. We selected this piece because… I’ve driven these winding redwood roads countless times, taking in the joyful sunny days and wistful misty moments, with my beloved majestic redwoods towering on either side, and the Pacific Coast flittering in and out of sight. After dating my husband, I’ve taken him on these sojourns every opportunity I could find, and he has come to enjoy these long, beautiful drives with me…

Don Hong-Oai – surreal landscapes
Sadly Don Hong-Oai has passed away. But you can Google and find many tributes to his work. I was first introduced to his work by a good friend of mine.
Le Petit Elefant – Genevieve Santos
A local artist whose work I have really loved, introduced to me by a good friend. One of the below is a custom commission by us.