Wellness Resources

Jia Strings Tea Set

Little snacks and dishes to keep us our diet well-rounded. Here is a running list of the regular snacks, desserts and treats we eat for pleasure and wellness, as well as some health experiences I discovered.

Updated: 09/23/2021


In my primary game that I enjoy with friends, one of the people who worked on the game recently passed away. The game community held vigils for Stephen Critchlow, whose work touched our hearts, and I discovered that this kind man had not only started a charity for the NHS workers that took care of him when he could not take care of himself, but he also made a podcast about his stroke experience. Knowing that stroke runs in my family, I listened to it and found it helpful to include here in the Wellness section of Metafrost.


As an avid tea drinker, I recently stumbled on the fact that some brands use plastic glue or nylon for their tea bags. When doused in hot water to steep, you are ingesting an exorbitant amount of micro-plastics into your body. A family member of mine goes for kidney dialysis twice a week (fortunately in a country with national healthcare), so it reminds me to be conscientious of what I eat.

Here are the findings from this article in 2020:

Brands with tea bags that don’t contain plastic:

  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Pukka
  • Numi Teas
  • Republic of Tea
  • Stash
  • Yogi Tea

Brands with tea bags do contain plastic:

  • Tazo
  • Teavana (Starbucks)
  • Celestial Seasonings
  • Mighty Leaf Teas (now’s owned by Peet’s)

Here is a more comprehensive list with more details.


VitaminK2 correlates with higher survival outcomes in patients according to this Guardian News article, something about the lungs being more elastic. So I have moved my earlier tip about Norseland cheese under this category, since now we know if helps against covid19 as well.

Norseland Cheese (compound prevents tumors, beneficial to lungs)

Fermented Foods: Reduced ACE2 ensymes in your cells, with which sars-cov-2 latches onto.


Stewed Fungus & White Pear (Beneficial to Lungs)

Mung Bean Soup

Osmanthus (Beneficial to Lungs and etc)

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